Local Conditions, a Not-so-local Show

Oh, how I wished I lived in the Pacific Northwest. Not for the rain, specifically, but for all the amazing creative people and the galleries, shows, shops, exhibits, etc. Not to mention the fresh seafood that’s flying through the air out there. But alas, I’m stuck here in the midwest, home of lakes and snow and lots and lots of sunshine. It will do.

But it didn’t do for a dear friend, former co-worker and truly inspiring artist,  who headed west a couple years ago. Chandler settled in Tacoma and recently sent me a postcard for her latest show. It’s featuring another of her amazing Artist Books, this one focused on Mount Rainier, and I am so, so, so sad I can’t just drive to MSP, buy a ticket and show up at the opening tonight. Wouldn’t that be a blast?

But I can’t. But if you live in that part of the country, do stop by and say hello for me. The shows runs until mid-January and I can promise that your socks will be blown off. (good thing you’ll be in Washington State and not Minnesota, cause your feet would get mighty cold with all our snow).

And please do tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Sigh. More info can be found here!